Watch This Time-Lapse of a Mural Painted by Four London Artists

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Creativity means something different to everyone. To some, it’s a thing a person does, to others, it’s more a way of being; to some, it’s an innate skill, to others, its something that can be trained; and, to some, creativity is something that we disseminate, while to others, its an external energy that flows through us.

Whatever the definition, creative energy is everywhere and as part of our ongoing project with Dropbox and their Creative Energy initiative, we set out to spark and capture a unique fragment of it. Together, we constructed a team of London-based artists to create a one-off art piece in the heart of Shoreditch.

Camille Walala, Pref, Will Gates and Jamie Julien Brown represent a city constantly in flux, and they showcase the diverse creative energy that makes London’s art scene so unique. They spent over a month planning from various locations around the world using Dropbox’s virtual collaboration space Dropbox Paper and, last week, the team finally brought their idea to life.


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