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Working primarily with Leica 35mm cameras and black-and-white films, Lee Friedlander’s style is usually focused on the “social landscape”. His photographs use detached images of urban life, reflections of shop fronts, structures framed by fences, posters and signs that combine to capture the aspect of modern life. Many of his images are part of the icons of American photography and have become historical documents of our time. Published by American Editions SPQR Editions, Dog’s Best Friend – A Pet Project is the very first monograph of the American photographer devoted to dogs – one of his main interests throughout his career – and, in many cases, their close relationship with their owners. His photos show the role that these precious pets play in our daily lives. We discover companion dogs, objects of affection, waiting alone in their closed courtyard, in parks, lounges or in cars. Not much is missing from Friedlander’s wandering eye that captures the subtle and intimate beauty of a friendship between two different species, through a hundred portraits of people and their dogs, made between 1958 and 2016. These pets reflect their owners just as much as they reflect American culture. Their presence is often underestimated, as if it were a shadow, something that has always been there, faithful, and always follows us. This beautiful book of 108 pages is now available on the online store of SPQR Editions.
